Bullying is a repeated and systematic attack on others. It can include psychological as well as physical attack, teasing and exclusion from the peer group. Bullying differs from harassment in terms of occurrence. Harassment can occur as a single incident whereas bullying is characterised by repeated attacks.

Bullying and harassment are not acceptable at St Paul’s Primary School. St Paul's follows the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) approach to all incidents of unacceptable behaviour.

A complaint about bullying will be managed in the following ways:

  • Complaint investigated – taking statements from both parties and witnesses
  • If necessary contact parents

Follow-up: Bully

  • Time out
  • Contact Parents
  • Withdrawal from group
  • Withdrawal of privileges
  • Counselling
  • Suspension

Follow-up: Victim

  • Counselling
  • Contact parents
  • Resilience training

Structured play activities may be suggested for either the bully or the victim during playground times.

Classroom programs may be initiated at any time to build skills and as part of the repair process to support both the victim and the bully.

Harassment and bullying are unlawful. Anti-discrimination legislation, as well as workplace health and safety legislation, place a requirement upon schools to put into effect preventative and remedial procedures for dealing with both bullying and harassment.


School Rules

The school aims to develop self-discipline and responsible behaviour in each child. Therefore, rules have been formulated that are designed to protect the personal and property rights of each individual. They are not excessively restrictive, nor are they numerous.

Our three rules are:

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be a Learner

Each class is reminded of the basic rules for Christian co-operation and courtesy at the beginning of the school year. We hope the discipline fostered at this school will be building upon the discipline in the home and will be supported by parents.

Should a child be involved in continual misbehaviour, parents will be notified. Should this action fail to curb the inappropriate behaviour you will be asked to attend an interview at school to discuss solutions to the problem.

In accordance with the Public Instruction Act (1996) no corporal punishment is permitted to be administered by staff, parents or volunteers.