The staff includes a Principal, an Assistant Principal, Religious Education Coordinator, 13 Class Teachers, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Teacher, a Teacher-Librarian, Library Assistant and a Clerical Assistant, and eight Learning Support Assistants. There is also a cleaner and grounds person.

A Learning Support Teacher and a Registered Psychologist are available to assist the school in assessing and addressing individual student’s learning needs.

A highly structured combination of professional development opportunities, access to quality teaching resources and experiences as well as an increased emphasis on wellbeing and parent engagement has been developed to increase student readiness for and engagement in learning. Curriculum differentiation ensures that the needs of students are catered for at all levels.

The Leadership Team, comprising of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Religious Education Coordinator and Primary Coordinator, is responsible for setting the operational agenda and goals of the school as driven by the Strategic and Annual School Improvement Plan. This group of dynamic individuals is each responsible for key aspects of the educational endeavours of the school.